karttikeya2As a subject, Jyotiṣa has a few major heads which include –
• Lakṣaṇa Śāstra which means study of the omens and signs on the body and around. This includes Hastā-rekhā śāstra or palmistry which is the forte of Subrāhmaṇya or Kārtikeya
• Horā Śāstra is the forte of Gaṇeśa
• Gaṇita Śāstra including Vedic Numerology is another head
…. All these come under the three wings called Gaṇita, Horā and Saṁhitā
Once there was a debate between Kārtikeya and Gaṇeśa and Lord Śiva was the judge. Kārtikeya wrote the entire Lakṣaṇa śāstra whereas Gaṇeśa wrote Horā śāstra. Śiva judged horā to be superior to aṅga-lakṣaṇa (palmistry as well as all body study). In anger Kārtikeya threw the entire book into the ocean and from there it was retrieved partially by various teachers. Hence palmistry is also called samudrikā śāstra or that which has been retrieved from the samudra (ocean). That word samudrikā can also mean that which encompasses all the mudrā and mudrikā.
Praśna requires a study of aṅga lakṣaṇa and good ability in that as well as study of omens etc. which are a part of saṁhitā (nimitta śāstra). Hence anyone wishing to learn this has to worship Kārtikeya else he cannot learn this subject just as without Gaṇeśa, Horā śāstra will become very difficult. They are the original writers of these śāstra and they alone can teach what they have written.
In addition, Jyotiṣa is ruled by grīṣma ṛtu (among the six vedic seasons). Grīṣma ṛtu is ruled by Mars. Hence it is necessary to worship some form of Mars devatā for this study. Our tradition recommends the Narasimha sādhanā for this purpose. You are also taught Gaṇeśa sādhanā.
When we teach praśna course, then we will teach the worship of Kārtikeya as ‘Subrāhmaṇya’ and also the Praśna Upaniṣad … see the link. Kārtikeya is the teacher of this upaniṣad where Maharṣi Pippalāda is the śiṣya.
Jñānī Bhava ~ Namaskāra

Jyotisa Guru

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books on Jyotish. He began his studies at a tender age, and received the depth of Jyotish only found among those who have been trained in the ancient traditional way of the parampara. More Info

Kaartik Gor Kaartik Gor is a professional Vedic Astrologer, originally from Somnath, Gujarat and now based in Dubai. Kaartik comes from a family of priests and Jyotiṣa was part of his life since early days though he got interested after meeting his Gurudev. His early life was spent in Gujarat and later Mumbai where he completed his Engineering and later worked with corporate giants in their Sales and later as a Project Manager in Mumbai and Dubai. More Info

Nitin Bhanap Nitin Bhanap is an IT professional turned Vedic astrologer by the grace of Guruji (Pt. Sanjay Rath). Nitin is originally from Bombay, Maharashtra and now based in Raleigh USA. Nitin comes from a family of astrologers and Jyotiṣa was part of his early life because of his father and grandfather who had a career in corporate world, however practiced Jyotisa to help and guide people. More Info

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