jagaWelcome to the Parāśara Jyotisa Course

You have taken a monumental decision to study this great classic of Maharṣi Parāśara. It contains 100 Chapters and although we have planned to complete it in 6 years, we shall do our best to stick to this schedule. However, you can take more or less time depending on the amount of time you have to devote to jyotiṣa every day. My advice is to take out an hour at least for this study every day and do not try to study this only on weekends as the memory falters if not replenished with more information that will help to digest what you have already learnt.

Balanced Learning

We at SJC believe that a Jyotiṣa is to be taught in the Guru-Śiṣya Paraṁparā and it is our endeavour to re-establish this Paraṁparā in Jyotiṣa. For this purpose, the students are required to be spiritually inclined and should be prepared to dedicate their lives for the study of this divine knowledge. Half-hearted attempts will not help anybody and your sincerity is essential.
The learning process at SJC begins with the mutual acceptance of a Jyotiṣa Guru of SJC to guide a Śiṣya (Student). This is your chosen ‘Mentor’ at DBC. At various stages of learning, various mantra are imparted by the jyotiṣa guru starting with the Guru mantra of the Paraṁparā. Then begins the learning through various lessons, contact classes and mutual discussions and is completely informal. Starting with the Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course, the student becomes a jyotiṣa paṇḍita and later a jyotiṣa guru as well. The learning continues till the student has reached a certain level of proficiency in the Standard Texts and is also conversant with the working knowledge of Secret works like the Upadeśa Sutra of Maharishi Jaimini [Jaimini Scholar Program (JSP)].
Savitur Gāyatrī mantra enables the śiṣya to master the subject and the Guru Gayatri enables him to take other Śiṣya and to continue teaching and also simultaneously learning and mastering what has already been taught.
Subsequently, when he is ready to examine horoscopes independently and to guide people like a flaming torch lighting the way in darkness, he is given the Sūrya yantra and is taught its worship. This process cannot be completed in a few years nor can any time limit what-so-ever, be prescribed for this. Thus, it is most advisable to follow the path of the Maharṣi Parāśara and his disciples.

Daily Practise

It is good to have a daily spiritual practise while learning and also for later life. This can include specific practises required by your horoscope as remedial measures that are vedic and of sattva guṇa.
Jyotiṣa is a life-time penance in the pursuit of knowledge and those who are not disciplined for this will, sooner or later, falter and fall. This requires a certain level of purity of thought and action and a some spiritual discipline.

Purity of Thought
Good thought comes through reading spiritual literature and keeping the mind occupied with sāttvika thoughts. If you have nothing to do, then sing your mantra.
There are no enemies and there can be no enemies as Vishnu is present in all and hence any form of enmity amounts to enmity with Vishnu. Thus, forgive and forget.
You are what you eat. Hence, eat to live should be your motto and not live to eat.
Purity of Action
A good act is always beneficial to (i) nature, (ii) the social order, (iii) your family (in the larger sense) and (iv) your self in the decreasing order of priority. This should be your litmus test. These four are the four legs of Dharma (hence Dharma is said to be Chatuspada or four legged and Sagittarius the ninth house of the natural Zodiac is a Chatuspada Rasi (Four legged sign).
“DO NOT TOUCH THE PEN TILL YOU KNOW WHAT TO WRITE”. By keeping quiet you will not be showing your ignorance nor the fact of your being unfit for a certain knowledge. By extension this also implies not being judgmental about things and people.
All action requires expenditure of energy and this tends to become Rajas when a person desires the fruits of the action. Similarly acts performed out of ignorance of their outcome or through disgust are termed as Tamasic. Thus, one should undertake the holy act of studying the horoscope of a person and giving guidance ONLY after he has knowledge of Jyotish and is qualified by his Guru to do so and is not attached to the fruits of the work he is doing.

Jyotisa Guru

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books on Jyotish. He began his studies at a tender age, and received the depth of Jyotish only found among those who have been trained in the ancient traditional way of the parampara. More Info

Kaartik Gor Kaartik Gor is a professional Vedic Astrologer, originally from Somnath, Gujarat and now based in Dubai. Kaartik comes from a family of priests and Jyotiṣa was part of his life since early days though he got interested after meeting his Gurudev. His early life was spent in Gujarat and later Mumbai where he completed his Engineering and later worked with corporate giants in their Sales and later as a Project Manager in Mumbai and Dubai. More Info

Nitin Bhanap Nitin Bhanap is an IT professional turned Vedic astrologer by the grace of Guruji (Pt. Sanjay Rath). Nitin is originally from Bombay, Maharashtra and now based in Raleigh USA. Nitin comes from a family of astrologers and Jyotiṣa was part of his early life because of his father and grandfather who had a career in corporate world, however practiced Jyotisa to help and guide people. More Info

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